2013 saw us celebrate our centenary. On January 12, 2014, we launched our published book, "100 Years of Spiritualism"  on the history of our church.  

Our church began 13 January 1913 when a group of spiritualists met as the Brisbane Queensland Lyceum receiving a certificate numbered 409 which certified they were duly enrolled in the British Spiritualists’ Lyceum Union in accordance with the constitution of that body.

Our first president, Theodor Reinhold led this church until 1928. During that time the present church was built at the corner of Boundary and Mein Streets, Spring Hill with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle coming from England to lay the cornerstone on January 11 1921 during his tour of Australia.


At the Annual General Meeting of the Spiritual Church Brisbane held at 1:00 pm on 16 November 2024, elections were held and the new committee members are as follows:

Letters Patent Officers (LPO)
President   Raila Caslick
Treasurer Vacant
Secretary Audrey Pluis
Vice-President Doreen Howe
Vice-President Yvonne Dornseif-Fregon
Assistant Secretary Valentina Kitanovic
Property Maintenance Chris Garnish
Platform Bookings Officer Rosemary McHugh
Librarian Vera Hollands
Technology Officer Greg O'Neale
Marketing Viv Palosaari

Following is the list of presidents and ministers who have led our church from 1913 to the present. Each has a story to tell and the book on the history of the church, published in 2013 helps to fill in the details on each of our forefathers about their time at our church.

Theodor Reinhold 1913 – 1928
S Broughton Elkin 1928  1935
P. N. Humphrys 1935  1937
J Woodcock 1937 – 1938
Ada Shaw 1938 – 1941
C. S. Payne 1941 – 1950
Marie Loft
1950 – 1952
A. E. Sampson 1952 – 1954
Ada Shaw 1954 – 1956
J. F. Childs 1956 – 1957
W G Llewllyn 1957
Ada Shaw 1957 – 1958
N McArthur 1958 – 1959
J M MacCullough & H Tapper 1959 – 1960
J.O. Milne 1960  1962
G F Bowen 1962 – 1963
C. S. Payne 1963 – 1968
J. W. Carroll & J F Childs 1968 – 1969
S Turner 1969 – 1973
Rt Rev R Levi, JP 1973 – 1979
Rev F Bruce 1979 – 1980
Rt Rev R Levi, JP 1980 – 1984
Rev F Bruce 1984 – 1993
Rev Jeannie L Kane 1993  2005
Neil Davey (President) 2005  2022
Wendy Deakin (Minister) 2007  2019
Helen Rees (Minister) 2019  2022
Patricia Strong (Minister) 2022  2023
Raila Caslick (President) 2022  Current