Regular Activities

The Church Activities are closed for the Christmas break and will be returning in February 2025.

Payment Options:
Direct Deposit: Bank of Queensland, BSB: 124 192,  Acc #: 20263938
PayPal:  go to the homepage of Spiritual Church Brisbane and click on the Donation button.

7:00 pm Spiritual Meditation and Healing Circle, at Church - Facilitator Peter Holliman.

Cost: $10

Please use this reference for both types of payment:

Ref: HM/Your Name

Note: For absent, distance, and contact healing and those who wish to develop their skills in Healing.

7:00 pm Psychic/Mediumistic Development Circle, via Zoom - Facilitator Audrey Fraser.

This circle is for beginners or intermediate students. They will help to build a good foundation for going forward in their development.

Cost: $10

Ref:  ZT/Your Name

Register in advance for Zoom circle:

Register For Zoom Circle


10:00 am - 12:00 pm Private Healing and Readings, at Church – Facilitator Doreen Howe.

Cost: $20 for Reading and $10 for Healing for 15 minutes.

Please use this reference for both types of payment:

Ref: RHT/Your Name

7:00 pm Psychic/Mediumistic Practice Evening, at Church - Facilitator Doreen Howe.

These circles are for those with good fundamentals and wish to practice their Mediumship and Psychic skills.

Cost: $10

Please use this reference for both types of payments:

Ref:  CT/Your Name


7:00 pm Psychic/Mediumistic Development Circle, at Church - Facilitator Audrey Fraser.

These circles are for beginners or intermediate students. They will help to build a good foundation for going forward in their development.

Cost: $10

Please use this reference for both types of payments:

Ref: CW/Your Name


7:00 pm Choir Practice, via Zoom - Facilitator Doreen Howe.

Zoom meeting link:

Connect to Zoom Meeting


2:00 pm Spiritualism Your Questions Answered, second Sunday of each month at Church in the Library - Facilitator Vera Holland.

Cost: $5

Please use this reference for both types of payments:

Ref: CS/Your Name

4:00 pm Church Service

Free Will Offering

Our Library at the Spiritual Church Brisbane

Members can enjoy our extensive library which contains many books now out of print on Spiritualism.

You are very welcome to come in and browse after church services.

Library hours: Sunday 1:00pm - 2:15pm and 4:00pm - 4:30pm